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How Positive Energy Serves Your Career

Originally written for Live2Play Magazine

People will give you a lot of advice about music, but often they forget the value of conservation. Energy. We live on it. Drive on it. And some people make truckloads of money on it. But did you also know that it fuels your life? Your success? Your ability to be a great musician? Energy is what keeps us moving. Ironically – it’s also what keeps us light, enjoyable to be around, good at what we love, and focused on the right things. And lack of it can sink your ambitions quicker than you can say, “Everyone thinks I’m an a-hole.” What nobody really tells you when you learn music is that the best musicians out there have learned how to conserve theirs. They steer clear of people who waste it, don’t spend too much time with people who don’t appreciate it, and most importantly, learn quickly how to determine which projects in their lives are worth spending it on. Though dramatic lives filled with disastrous stories of endless tempestuous and tortuous stories may seem glamorous, the truth is their time is up. In hard times, drama needs to take a back seat to the best things you have to offer. And you can’t offer anything without energy. So if you have found yourself surrounded by people who love the drama more than they love the things that create success, know that your ability to truly get anywhere will be limited. How can you tell who they are? Here’s a quick guide to telling who can’t help you achieve anything: 1.) They talk more than they do. While “talking the talk” may seem like a great way to convince others you’re on the right track, most people who are successful have a list of things they’ve actually done. The list should impress you. If it doesn’t, they’re bullshitting you. Look at their websites, photos, achievements, and recordings. People who are ambitious find others to help them look great. If your prospective team members don’t look great, chances are they have trouble connecting to others – and that’s not a good sign. And if you’re one of these offenders – find a way to elevate yourself. The world is full of artists who love what they do. Connect to them genuinely and you’ll elevate yourself. 2.) Fear is their mantra or pattern. Most successful people aren’t afraid of failing. They exhibit unyielding confidence, even in the face of “off” moments. People who exhibit fear often, whether it be about their abilities or what people will think of them are truly unprepared for the “burden of success.” 3.) They treat others badly. People who exhibit little respect for others, will exhibit little respect for you. As in dating, though someone may be on their best behavior around you in the beginning, if you witness them mistreating others, expect to be in their line of fire once you are no longer new in their circle. 4.) They are impersonal. Successful people become successful because they are not only good at what they do, but good at making genuine friends who trust them. People who are bad friends can not create a connection of great alliances that build success. 5.) Reputation is everything. Become skillfull at discerning gossip from reputation. As a reference, gossip almost always focuses on things unrelated to music. Reputation is based on how people treat others, whether they are honest, and whether experiences with the person are positive or negative. Don’t underestimate a bad reputation. They are often built on many negative experiences that you don’t want to waste your time with. Your plan as a musician related to energy is much like that of the rest of the world at this point in history: conserve, recycle, renew. And, above all, get rid of those people or those experiences in your musical life that waste it. Andrea Bensmiller is a vocalist, guitarist and bass player currently working in Vegas. Originally posted 2011-01-31 05:45:08.


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